Lagos Fire Service Averts Danger From Leaking Gas Truck

os Fire Service Averts Danger From Leaking Gas Truck

Lagos Fire Service Averts Danger From Leaking Gas Truck

Final Update On Leaking Gas Truck

– Danger Completely Averted

The reported Gas Tanker with registration number KRD-281XR enroute Ibadan, Oyo State, belonging to Gasland has been successfully evacuated back to the company’s gas plant, Apapa.

The incident which resulted after the truck laden with 27 tonnes capacity of Liquefied Petroleum Gas hits the newly installed overhead truck barricade at Alaka, left it top inlet compartment faulty and leaking its contens leading to the emergency situation that has now been completely averted.

The road, Western Avenue has now been opened for traffic flow and succinct to reiterate that no injury nor death recorded in the successful salvage operations which is now concluded.

Adeseye Margaret
Lagos State Fire and Rescue Service

September 2, 2023


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