Reasons University Demands Actress Return Certificate


Reasons University Demands Actress Return Certificate


Actress Chinwe Splendor has revealed that her alma mater requested the return of her degree certificate after she admitted to trading sexual favors for grades during her time as a student.


In an Instagram video, Splendor expressed her dismay, saying, “I received an email from my university demanding I return my certificate within 48 hours. I worked hard for that degree, so why should I give it back? If they’re asking for mine, many of my classmates should return theirs too. I’m going through a tough time.”


Previously, in an interview on the YouTube channel ‘Yan Konnect Factory,’ Splendor explained that financial struggles forced her to miss classes and engage in sex-for-grades arrangements with lecturers to secure good marks. She admitted that despite not attending lectures for an entire year, she managed to achieve high grades through these means.


Public reactions to her Instagram post have been mixed. One commenter, Ihenenancy, stated, “You talk too much for a lady. It’s clear you didn’t earn that degree, so return it immediately. You lack common sense.”


Another user, Chipsys_oven, added, “Yes, return the certificate. The university should investigate lecturers involved in such practices.”


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