Secret of What Men do to Seek Women’s Attention 


Secret of What Men do to Seek Women’s Attention 

I’m really curious about the origin of the belief that ignoring women will make them pursue you. How does this even make sense?

The theory goes that by ignoring a woman—avoiding her texts, calls, and pretending to be busy with others—you’ll somehow make her chase after you as if her life depends on it. Is there any reality to this?


In truth, if a woman loves or is attracted to you, she’s likely to lose interest if you don’t give her attention. Women thrive on attention and seek it actively. When they don’t get it from one person, they often find it elsewhere. So, if you starve her of attention, she might just decide that you’re not worth her time and focus on someone who values her presence.


Moreover, if a woman doesn’t have any interest in you, she’ll likely be relieved by your lack of contact and won’t feel any need to chase you. Surrounding yourself with multiple women to create an illusion of desirability doesn’t change that. Instead, she might just think poorly of those women who are flocking around you.


I surveyed around 30 different women, and they all agreed on one thing: “If a guy keeps ignoring me and doesn’t give me attention, I feel he’s not interested. I’ll move on because I’m attractive and there are other men who appreciate me.”


It seems the only women who might pursue someone who ignores them are those with low self-esteem, insecurity, or other personal issues. Women who are confident, self-assured, and have high self-esteem see themselves as the prize. They believe they deserve to be chased, not the other way around.


So, who exactly propagated this idea?


If you’re convinced by this flawed theory and want to test it, I’m up for it. Let’s start a WhatsApp group and share screenshots of our interactions. We can approach attractive women, engage with them, then disappear and see how many will reach out to us. Let’s put this theory to the test and debunk the myth.


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