The Tale Behind Mike Ejeagha’s “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo”


The Tale Behind Mike Ejeagha’s “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo”

Let me explain the story behind Mike Ejeagha’s song “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo” for those unfamiliar with the Igbo language. The title “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo” mimics the sound of an elephant’s footsteps.

The song, however, is titled “Ka esi ree onye isi oche,” which translates to “How the Chairman Was Sold.”

The narrative begins in the animal kingdom with a king who has a daughter. She has turned down over a hundred marriage proposals from attractive suitors. Concerned, the king gathered his family and advisors to inquire about his daughter’s reasons for rejecting so many men. She replied that any suitor must present an elephant to win her hand.


The king instructed his guards to tell all the prospective suitors that they must bring an elephant to qualify. When the tortoise heard this, he went to the elephant’s home and told him that the king wanted him to be his guest at the upcoming Ofala festival. Excited, the elephant agreed, and the tortoise said they would set off the next day.


On their way to the festival, the tortoise’s slow pace worried the elephant, who feared they might arrive too late. The tortoise suggested climbing onto the elephant’s back to speed up their journey. The elephant agreed, and as they traveled, the tortoise pretended he might fall. He convinced the elephant to let him tie a rope around its neck so he could hold on securely. The elephant consented, eager to reach the festival on time.


As they walked, the tortoise sang, “King, I have brought the elephant!” This made it sound as though he claimed to have brought the elephant with him. The elephant asked for clarification, and the tortoise assured him that he was indeed bringing the elephant.


The heavy steps of the elephant created the “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo” sound. When they arrived at the king’s palace, the tortoise told the elephant to wait outside while he went in to announce their arrival. Distrustful that the elephant might leave, the tortoise tied him to a tree and then informed the king that he had brought the elephant, who was now tied up in front of the palace. Consequently, the king agreed to give his daughter to the tortoise.


This amusing story is what Mike Ejeagha’s song “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo” recounts.


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