Charly Boy’s Comments on Soyinka’s Mental Health Ignite Controversy


Charly Boy’s Comments on Soyinka’s Mental Health Ignite Controversy


Renowned singer and social activist Charles Oputa, better known as Charly Boy, has stirred up a storm with his recent comments regarding the mental health of Nobel laureate Professor Wole Soyinka.


On Monday, Charly Boy took to his X and Instagram accounts to express concerns about Soyinka’s recent statements and actions. He suggested that the elderly scholar might be experiencing cognitive decline due to his age, raising alarm about the potential exploitation of Soyinka’s condition by opportunistic politicians.


Charly Boy wrote, “Prof. Wole Soyinka is over 80 years old, nearing 90. At his age, some level of cognitive deterioration is not unexpected. His recent rhetoric and behavior suggest possible brain health issues, and he should not be taken too seriously.” He urged Nigerians to stay vigilant to prevent political manipulation.


Furthermore, Charly Boy criticized Soyinka’s family and close associates for not protecting him from being used for political purposes, calling on the public to be more aware.


These remarks have incited significant backlash on social media. Critics found Charly Boy’s comments to be disrespectful and inappropriate. One Instagram user, #Phorlarjuwon, challenged Charly Boy’s contributions to national development, stating, “As a lost man that you are, I think you can do better. As a manwoman, what have you personally contributed to the betterment of the nation? I guess nothing. I don’t think you have affected this nation in any positive way.”


Another user, #Vesterz011, suggested that Charly Boy might face similar criticism in the future, commenting, “I hope when you get to that age, you actually handle this kind of message, because it’s definitely coming back.”


In response to the backlash, #Quakes9ja, tweeting anonymously as Kweku Elenitoba-Johnson, called for addressing Charly Boy’s claims directly rather than resorting to insults. “Address the man’s claims first before you rain abuse on him,” the tweet read.


Some followers advocated for a more respectful discourse, emphasizing the need for constructive dialogue over social media attacks. One follower remarked, “I think you could have made your point without insults; people look up to you. We can de-escalate a volatile situation if we really want to keep our eyes on the ball.”


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