Kaduna Assembly Accuses El-Rufai, Ex-Commissioners of Misappropriating N423bn


Kaduna Assembly Accuses El-Rufai, Ex-Commissioners of Misappropriating N423bn


On Wednesday, June 5, the Kaduna State House of Assembly received a significant report from an ad hoc committee assigned to examine the state’s finances, loans, and contracts under the administration of former Governor Nasir El-Rufai. The report implicated El-Rufai and several of his commissioners.


The Assembly claimed that N423 billion of state funds were misappropriated during El-Rufai’s tenure and called on the current Governor, Uba Sani, to refer El-Rufai and his former finance commissioners to the relevant security agencies for investigation.


During the plenary session, Deputy Speaker and chairman of the ad hoc committee, Henry Magaji Danjuma, presented the findings. He noted that many loans obtained during El-Rufai’s administration were not used for their intended purposes, and proper procedures were often not followed in securing these loans.


Speaker of the Kaduna House of Assembly, Yusuf Liman, highlighted that the alleged misappropriation left the state with substantial liabilities. The committee recommended that security and anti-corruption agencies investigate and prosecute El-Rufai and certain cabinet members for abuse of office, including awarding contracts without due process, diverting public funds, and money laundering.


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