Moment Lightening Bolt Strikes Plane Full Of Passengers

Moment Lightening Bolt Strikes Plane Full Of Passengers

Moment Lightening Bolt Strikes Plane Full Of Passengers

FCG reports electrifying moment lightning bolt strikes American Eagle plane full of passengers lighting moments after it landed during a storm in Arkansas.

FCG gathered that Embraer E175 was waiting for the storm to pass before travelling to the gate when the terrifying flash of electricity blasted the aircraft yesterday afternoon.

The cameraman, named in Viral Press as Jason William Hamm, can be heard talking about a previous bolt which struck moments earlier, saying: ‘I don’t think it hit the plane, it still would have made an amazing video though.’

Mr Hamm said today: ‘The plane was fine, it taxied to the gate normally after an extended wait on the taxiway due to the storm.’

After the strike the plane travelled to the gate and passengers got off before technicians came to assess any damage done.

FCG learnt that the Embraer E175 is not the first to be hit by lightning – with one shocking video showing the moment a plane carrying 140 passengers was struck as it prepared for landing.

The Boeing 737 MAX aircraft was flying at approximately 30,000 feet and was coming in to land at the Tocumen International Airport in Panama City.

Dramatic footage captured from within the cockpit shows a powerful lightning bolt strike the nose of the plane as the pilots navigate a heavy storm.


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