Several Soldiers Killed in Attack in Benin Republic


Several Soldiers Killed in Attack in Benin Republic


On Tuesday, seven soldiers were killed in Pendjari National Park in northern Benin by unidentified gunmen, according to military and security sources. This latest attack is part of a series of violent incidents in the region, which has been affected by the spillover of jihadist conflicts from the Sahel, as well as activities by criminal gangs and smugglers.


“The news of the loss of seven of our compatriots has been confirmed,” a military source reported regarding the incident.


Another security official also corroborated the attack.


No group has claimed responsibility yet, and the army has not issued an official statement.


Countries in West Africa’s Gulf of Guinea, including Benin, Togo, Ghana, and Ivory Coast, are increasingly concerned about the spread of jihadist violence from the Sahel to their northern borders.


Benin, which shares borders with Burkina Faso and Niger where Al-Qaeda and Islamic State-affiliated jihadists are active, has deployed 3,000 troops to strengthen its frontier.


While the Benin government seldom comments on border violence, officials have noted approximately 20 incursions since 2021.


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