Shocking reasons not to take cow milk

Shocking reasons not to take cow milk

The following revelations have been made to caution against the use of cow milk

Consider the following negative effects linked to intake of cow milk according to report

Broken bones

Despite the hype, cow’s milk actually robs our bones of calcium. Animal proteins produce acid when they’re broken down, and calcium is an excellent acid neutralizer, so … you can see where this is going. In order to neutralize and flush out the acids, our bodies have to use the calcium that the milk contains—as well as some from our own stores. So every glass of milk we drink leaches calcium from our bones. That’s why medical study after medical study has found that people who consume the most cow’s milk have significantly higher fracture rates than those who drink little to no milk. And if you’re eating large amounts of cheese? Throw in a heaping helping of saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol on top of that.

Milk is bad for you because it can cause bone fractures.

Prostate cancer
Shocking reasons not to take cow milk
Milk and cheese have been linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. But dairy-free diets? They’ve been shown to slow its progress.

Lactose intolerance
Shocking reasons not to take cow milk
The lactose in cow’s milk can be difficult for people to digest, resulting in nausea, cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Difficulty with dairy digestion can develop later in life and result in progressively worsening symptoms.

Shocking reasons not to take cow milk
In multiple studies, the consumption of all types of dairy “products” was linked to an increased prevalence and severity of acne in both boys and girls.

Shocking reasons not to take cow milk
A single serving of milk can contain as much as 24 mg of heart-harming cholesterol. A single ounce of queso packs 30 mg. But no plant food contains any cholesterol whatsoever.

Ovarian cancer
Shocking reasons not to take cow milk
A Swedish study showed that women who consumed four or more servings of dairy “products” each day were twice as likely to develop serous ovarian cancer.


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