Tragic Incident: Man Commit Suicide After His Hotel Demolition in Anambra


Tragic Incident: Man Commit Suicide After His Hotel Demolition in Anambra

A hotelier in Anambra State, Malachy Chukwu, tragically ended his life after his hotel was demolished, allegedly by youths from the Ifite-Nteje community in Oyi Local Government Area.


Chukwu’s suicide has sparked outrage among members of the Divine Heaven Amalgamated Landlords Association, Ifite-Nteje, who protested the destruction of their properties. The protesters, including men and women, claimed that numerous buildings, including Chukwu’s hotel on Chinua Achebe Airport Road, were demolished by individuals claiming to be executive members of the Ifite-Nteje Development Union.


Chief Patrick Maduegbuna, chairman of the association, called on Governor Charles Soludo to intervene to prevent further chaos. He explained that the association had purchased and begun developing the land in 2019. Suddenly, they were told the land deal was revoked, leading to the demolition of houses, the hotel, and other nearly completed buildings.


Maduegbuna stated, “We reached out to understand the issue and were told that our land purchase was invalid and we needed to repurchase it with additional payments. Rather than resorting to violence, we chose to protest. We simply want our properties back.”


Mr. Nwako Maduka, the association’s secretary, noted that all necessary payments and documentation were completed with the same individuals now attempting to revoke the land sale.


Chief Ikechukwu Erikeife, chairman of the Ifite-Nteje land management committee, acknowledged that some young men were trying to resell plots they had already sold, creating confusion. He assured that the developers had acquired the land through the proper channels and that the situation would be reviewed, as the protesters could not afford to repurchase the land.


Mr. Ngoesina Okechukwu, secretary of the Ifite-Nteje land management committee, dismissed the allegations as baseless, describing the accusers as meddlesome interlopers. He asserted that the Ifite-Nteje community had a traditional method of appointing leadership and that the estate developers followed due process in acquiring the land.


Okechukwu, a lawyer, said, “I was in Abuja when I heard about the protest organized by those claiming to be the executive members of the Ifite-Nteje Development Union. This group also claimed to have abolished the Ifite-Nteje land management committee and revoked the land sold to the landlords association. However, the committee, recognized by the community, has the power of attorney and has successfully represented Ifite-Nteje in numerous legal cases.”


Approximately 70 associations acquired the land along the airport road, with many buildings at various stages of completion now destroyed.


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