Watch Video: Over 300 Buried in Papua New Guinea Landslide, Reports Indicate


Watch Video: Over 300 Buried in Papua New Guinea Landslide, Reports Indicate


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A massive landslide in northern Papua New Guinea has buried over 300 people and more than 1,100 houses, devastating the remote village of Kaokalam in Enga Province. The landslide struck around 3 a.m. on Friday, about 600 km (370 miles) northwest of the capital, Port Moresby.


Local media, including the Papua New Guinea Post Courier, reported that the landslide affected over 300 people and destroyed 1,182 homes. The disaster has raised fears of a significant death toll, although exact numbers remain unclear. Aimos Akem, a member of the country’s parliament, provided initial comments on the tragedy, though he has not yet responded to further requests for comment.


Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) reported that more than six villages in the Mulitaka region were impacted by the landslide. The Australian High Commission in Port Moresby is working closely with PNG authorities to assess the full extent of the damage and casualties.


According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, four bodies have been recovered so far. Emergency teams have faced significant challenges due to blocked highways, with helicopters being the only means of accessing the affected area.


Footage posted on social media by villager Ninga Role shows the aftermath of the landslide, with people climbing over debris in search of survivors and the sound of women weeping in the background.


Prime Minister James Marape announced that disaster officials, the Defence Force, and the Department of Works and Highways are involved in the ongoing relief and recovery efforts.


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