UI Students Face Disciplinary Panel Over Fee Hike Protest


UI Students Face Disciplinary Panel Over Fee Hike Protest


By Gbenga Oloniniran and Samuel Omotere

The Alliance of Nigerian Students Against Neo-liberal Attacks (ANSA) has condemned the perceived “intimidation” following the summons of three University of Ibadan students by the school’s disciplinary committee.


The students, Olamide Gbadegeshin from the Institute of African Studies, Aduwo Ayodele from the History Department (200 level), and Nice Linus, received a notice signed by T.I. Musa from the Students Affairs Division. The notice, dated June 21, 2024, called them to appear before the panel on allegations of insubordination and “unruly behaviour” linked to their participation in a recent protest against a fee hike.


According to FIRST CLASS GISTS, on May 13, 2024, the students, including activist Olorunfemi Adeyeye, were detained by Nigerian Army officers during their protest against the increased fees on campus. Further reports on May 28 revealed that a memo issued by the university management on May 27 accused the students of disrupting the inauguration of the current Students’ Union administration. The management labeled the protest as “disrespectful” and “gross misconduct.”


In a statement released on Monday, ANSA’s Coordinator, Oladepo Temitope, criticized the university management’s tactics to “intimidate and victimize the protesters,” aiming to undermine their campaign against the steep fee increase.


Temitope asserted that the #FeesMustFall movement is a legitimate fight for affordable and equitable education. He declared that ANSA would stand in solidarity with the affected students, defending their right to protest peacefully without fear of retribution.


“We firmly believe in the right of students to peacefully protest and voice their concerns without fear of retaliation. The management’s actions undermine these fundamental rights and betray the trust that should exist between educational institutions and their student bodies,” Temitope stated.


ANSA’s statement demanded that the university management cease all forms of victimization against the #FeesMustFall activists. “Universities must uphold values of inclusivity, respect for diversity, and the free exchange of ideas,” the statement emphasized.


Temitope issued a warning to the management: if the students are not exonerated promptly and the fee hike is not reversed within seven working days starting from Monday, July 1, 2024, ANSA would mobilize a mass protest on campus in solidarity with the affected students until their demands are met.


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